BlueNord: The Nomination Committee’s Proposal to the Extraordinary General Meeting

Sep 4, 2024

Oslo, 4 September 2024: Reference is made to the stock exchange notice published by BlueNord ASA ("BlueNord" or the "Company") on 20 August 2024 regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting in BlueNord to be held on 16 September 2024. The nomination committee has today submitted its recommendation to the extraordinary general meeting, which is found attached here and will also be made available on the Company's website 

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 


Cathrine Torgersen, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer 
Phone: +47 915 28 501 


  • BlueNord – proposal from Nomination Committee to 160924 EGM(34173365.1)